2010년 2월 8일 월요일

Life and Background

- Presidency from 1809-1817

- Served two terms 1809-1813, and 1813-1817

- 4th President of the United States

- Born in Port Conway, Virginia (March 16, 1751)

-Father: James Madison
Mother: Nelly Conway

- He was the oldest of 12 children

- Considered one of the Founding Fathers of the
United States

- Nickname: Father of the Constitution

- Wrote the federalists essay with the help of Alexander Hamilton and John Jay

- Responsible for the ten amendments of the Constitution (Bill of Rights)

- Married Dolly Payne Todd Madison (no children)

- Attended the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University)

- Early Career: Lawyer, United States Secretary of State under Thomas Jefferson

- During Secretary of State, played major role in buying Louisiana Purchase

- Helped with the Embargo Act of 1807 to stop seizure of American ships by Britain
and France

- He participated in the Virginia and Kentucy Resolutions (nullify if unconstitutional)

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